Prosty sterownik pieca co.

Dokładam 3-ci kod przedmuchy,
-ustawienie temp.jaką ma utrzymywać wentylator
-ustawienie załączenia pompy obiegowej,
-czas przedmuchów
-wyłączenie wentylatora po wygaśnięciu pieca
-pomiar dwóch temperatur (piec bojler)
kod dokładam jako ostatni na stronie

Witam umieszczam 2 kody pierwszy to wrzucony do mojego sterownika. Ustawiana temperatura załączenia pompy grawitacyjnej i dodatkowo sterowanie zaworem na bojlerze otwiera się przy ustawionej temp. minimalnej oraz jak temperatura na piecu jest wyższa od tej w bojlerze o 3 stopnie i zamykany zawór jeżeli temperatura pieca jest większa o 2 stopnie niż w bojlerze.Sterowanie pompy nie zmienione.

      $regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 16000000
'Config Porta = &B00111111 : Porta = &B11111111
Config Portb = &B11111000 : Portb = &B11111111
Config Portc = &B11111111 : Portc = &B11111111
Config Portd = &B00011111 : Portd = &B11111111
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.3 , Db5 = Portc.2 , Db6 = Portc.1 , Db7 = Portc.0 , E = Portc.4 , Rs = Portc.5       'mirley UPT M16
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Cursor Off Noblink
Config 1wire = Pind.2
Sw_port Alias Pinb                                          'nazwa portu
Pompa Alias Portd.3
Zawor Alias Portd.4
Buzz Alias Portd.1
Light Alias Portd.0
Ds1r Alias Pind.7
Ds2r Alias Pind.6
Ds3r Alias Pind.5
Led_a Alias Portb.5
Led_p Alias Portb.3
Led_z Alias Portb.4
Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 256
Enable Timer0 : On Timer0 Prztimer0
Enable Interrupts
'********** Konfiguracja uC Koniec  ************
'******************  Zmienne *******************
Dim Stan_sw As Byte , Sw As Byte , Licznik_sw As Byte       'sw
Dim Wyswietlanie As Byte , Poz_wysw As Byte , Wyswietlono As Bit       'Lcd
Dim Mig As Bit , Poz_ust As Byte
Dim Autosave As Byte , Autopowrot As Byte , Autolight As Byte
Dim Ds1(8) As Byte , Ds2(8) As Byte , Ds3(8) As Byte , Ds4(8) As Byte , Ds(8) As Byte , Ds_adr As Byte , Ds_ok As Bit       'DS18B20
Dim Ktory_ds As Byte , Lsb As Byte , Msb As Byte , Minusy As Byte
Dim T(4) As Word
Dim T_min As Word , T_alarm As Word
Dim T_minz As Word
Dim Dzielnik(2) As Byte                                     'dzielniki timera
Dim Flaga_4ms As Bit , Flaga_500ms As Bit , Flaga_1s As Bit 'flagi przerwa?
Dim Hbyte(2) As Byte , Hword(3) As Word , N As Byte , Hbit As Bit , M As Byte
Dim Buzz_en As Bit
Dim Tryb_letni As Bit                                       '0- tryb zimowy, 1- tryb letni
'*************  Zmienne Koniec  ****************
'************ Warunki Poczatkowe ***************
Light = 0
Lcd " Sterownik  C.O."
Lcd " By Szymon w.1.1"
Wait 1
If Ds1r = 1 And Ds2r = 0 And Ds3r = 0 Then
  Ds_adr = 30
  Gosub Ds_reg
  Lcd "Ds Piec"
End If
If Ds1r = 0 And Ds2r = 1 And Ds3r = 0 Then
  Ds_adr = 40
  Gosub Ds_reg
  Lcd "Ds Bojler"
End If
If Ds1r = 1 And Ds2r = 1 And Ds3r = 0 Then
  Ds_adr = 50
  Gosub Ds_reg
  Lcd "Ds Pokoj"
End If
If Ds1r = 0 And Ds2r = 0 And Ds3r = 1 Then
  Ds_adr = 60
  Gosub Ds_reg
  Lcd "Ds Zewnatrz"
End If
For N = 1 To 8
  Hbyte(1) = 30 + N
  Readeeprom Ds1(n) , Hbyte(1)
  Hbyte(1) = 40 + N
  Readeeprom Ds2(n) , Hbyte(1)
  Hbyte(1) = 50 + N
  Readeeprom Ds3(n) , Hbyte(1)
  Hbyte(1) = 60 + N
  Readeeprom Ds4(n) , Hbyte(1)
Next N
Readeeprom T_min , 2
Readeeprom T_alarm , 4
Readeeprom Hbyte(1) , 6
Readeeprom T_minz , 7
Tryb_letni = Hbyte(1).0
If T_min < 100 Or T_min > 950 Then T_min = 400
If T_alarm < 100 Or T_alarm > 950 Then T_alarm = 850
If T_minz < 100 Or T_minz > 950 Then T_minz = 350
Wait 1
Wyswietlono = 1
Wyswietlanie = 1
Autosave = 5
Autolight = 0
'*******  Warunki Poczatkowe Koniec  ***********
'**************  Petla glowna ******************
  '***********************************************   co 4ms
  If Flaga_4ms = 1 Then
    Flaga_4ms = 0
    Gosub Przyciski
    If Wyswietlono = 1 Then Gosub Wysw_lcd
  End If
  '***********************************************   co 500ms
  If Flaga_500ms = 1 Then
    Flaga_500ms = 0
    Mig = Not Mig
    Portd.6 = Buzz_en
    If Pompa = 0 Then Led_p = Mig Else Led_p = 1
    If Zawor = 0 Then Led_z = Mig Else Led_z = 1
    Led_a = Buzz
    Wyswietlanie = Poz_wysw
  End If
  '***********************************************   co 1s
  If Flaga_1s = 1 Then
    Flaga_1s = 0
    If Light = 0 Then
      Incr Autolight
      If Autolight >= 20 Then Light = 1
      Autolight = 0
    End If
    If Poz_wysw <> 1 Then
      Incr Autopowrot
      If Autopowrot = 6 Then
        'Poz_wysw = 1
        Wyswietlanie = 1
        Poz_ust = 0
      End If
      Autopowrot = 0
    End If
    If Autosave < 5 Then
      Incr Autosave
      If Autosave = 5 Then
        'tu zapis do eeprom
        Writeeeprom T_min , 2
        Writeeeprom T_alarm , 4
        Writeeeprom T_minz , 7
        Hbyte(1) = 0
        Hbyte(1).0 = Tryb_letni
        Writeeeprom Hbyte(1) , 6
        Poz_ust = 0
      End If
    End If
    Gosub Temperatura
    Gosub Sterowanie
  End If
'************ Petla glowna Koniec **************
'************ Przerwanie timer 0 ***************
  Timer0 = 5
  Set Flaga_4ms
  Incr Dzielnik(1)
  If Dzielnik(1) = 125 Then
    Dzielnik(1) = 0
    Set Flaga_500ms
    Incr Dzielnik(2)
    If Dzielnik(2) = 2 Then
      Dzielnik(2) = 0
      Set Flaga_1s
    End If
  End If
'******** Przerwanie timer 0 Koniec ************
'*****************  Przyciski     **************
Sw = Sw_port And &B00000111                                 'maska na piny nieu?ywane jako sw
If Sw <> &B00000111 And Stan_sw = Sw Then
    Incr Licznik_sw
    If Licznik_sw = 68 Then
      Licznik_sw = 0
      Select Case Stan_sw
        Case &B00000011:                                    'incr
          Select Case Poz_wysw
            Case 3:
              Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                   Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                   If T_min < 950 Then T_min = T_min + 10
                Case 2:
                   If T_alarm < 950 Then T_alarm = T_alarm + 10
              End Select
              Autosave = 0
            Case 4:
              If Poz_ust = 0 Then Poz_ust = 1 Else Tryb_letni = Not Tryb_letni
              Autosave = 0
            Case 5:
               Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                  Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                  If T_minz < 950 Then T_minz = T_minz + 10
          End Select
           Autosave = 0
          End Select
          If Buzz = 0 Then Buzz_en = 0
          Autopowrot = 0
          Light = 0
          Autolight = 0
        Case &B00000101:                                    'ustaw next
           If Poz_ust = 0 Then
            Wyswietlanie = Poz_wysw + 1
            If Wyswietlanie = 6 Then Wyswietlanie = 1
            Select Case Poz_wysw
              Case 3:
                Incr Poz_ust
                If Poz_ust = 3 Then Poz_ust = 0
              Case 4:
                Incr Poz_ust
                If Poz_ust = 2 Then Poz_ust = 0
              Case 5:
                 Incr Poz_ust
                If Poz_ust = 3 Then Poz_ust = 0
            End Select
          End If
          If Buzz = 0 Then Buzz_en = 0
          Autopowrot = 0
          Light = 0
          Autolight = 0
        Case &B00000110:                                    'decr
          Select Case Poz_wysw
            Case 3:
              Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                  Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                  If T_min > 100 Then T_min = T_min - 10
                Case 2:
                  If T_alarm > 100 Then T_alarm = T_alarm - 10
              End Select
              Autosave = 0
            Case 4:
              If Poz_ust = 0 Then Poz_ust = 1 Else Tryb_letni = Not Tryb_letni
               Autosave = 0
            Case 5:
               Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                  Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                   If T_minz > 100 Then T_minz = T_minz - 10
               End Select
              Autosave = 0
          End Select
          If Buzz = 0 Then Buzz_en = 0
          Autopowrot = 0
          Light = 0
          Autolight = 0
      End Select
    End If
    Stan_sw = Sw
    Licznik_sw = 60
  End If
'**************    LCD     ***********
 If Wyswietlanie <> 0 Then
   Wyswietlono = 0
   Select Case Wyswietlanie
     Case 1:                                                'temp piec bojler
       If Poz_wysw <> 1 Then
         Deflcdchar 0 , 7 , 5 , 7 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32  'stopien
         'Deflcdchar 1 , 4 , 32 , 14 , 17 , 17 , 17 , 14 , 32       ' o kreskowane
         Lcd "Piec:"
         Lcd "Bojler:"
       End If
       For N = 1 To 2
         Hword(1) = T(n) / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Minusy.n = 1 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate N , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T(n) Mod 10
         If Minusy.n = 1 Then Lcd "-"
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C"
       Next N
     Case 2:                                                'temb banka,dom
        If Poz_wysw <> 2 Then
         Deflcdchar 0 , 7 , 5 , 7 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32  'stopien
          Deflcdchar 1 , 4 , 32 , 14 , 17 , 17 , 17 , 14 , 32       ' litera ó
          Deflcdchar 2 , 32 , 32 , 14 , 1 , 15 , 17 , 15 , 1       ' a kreskowane
         Lcd "Pok" ; Chr(1) ; "j:"
         Lcd "Zewn" ; Chr(2) ; "trz:"
       End If
       For N = 3 To 4
         Hword(1) = T(n) / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Minusy.n = 1 Then Decr Hword(2)
         M = N - 2
         Locate M , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T(n) Mod 10
         If Minusy.n = 1 Then Lcd "-"
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C"
       Next N
     Case 3:
       If Poz_wysw <> 3 Then
         Deflcdchar 0 , 7 , 5 , 7 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32  'stopien
         'Deflcdchar 1 , 4 , 32 , 14 , 17 , 17 , 17 , 14 , 32       ' o kreskowane
         Lcd "T.Min:"
         Lcd "T.Alarm"
       End If
       If Poz_ust = 1 And Mig = 1 Then
          Locate 1 , 10
          Lcd "       "
       't minimalna
         Hword(1) = T_min / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate 1 , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T_min Mod 10
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C "
       End If
       If Poz_ust = 2 And Mig = 1 Then
          Locate 2 , 10
          Lcd "       "
       't alarmowa
         Hword(1) = T_alarm / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate 2 , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T_alarm Mod 10
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C"
       End If
      Case 4:
        If Poz_wysw <> 4 Then
         Lcd "Tryb: "
       End If
       Locate 1 , 7
       If Poz_ust = 1 And Mig = 1 Then
          Lcd "       "
         If Tryb_letni = 1 Then Lcd "Letni" Else Lcd "Zimowy"
       End If
     Case 5:
        If Poz_wysw <> 5 Then
         Lcd "Tmin zaw:"
       End If
     If Poz_ust = 1 And Mig = 1 Then
          Locate 1 , 10
          Lcd "       "
       't minimalna zaworu
         Hword(1) = T_minz / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate 1 , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T_minz Mod 10
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C "
       End If
   End Select
   Poz_wysw = Wyswietlanie
   Wyswietlanie = 0
   Wyswietlono = 1
 End If
'************** LCD Koniec ***********
'**********  rejestracja DS *********
  Disable Interrupts
  1wwrite &H33
  Ds(1) = 1wread(8):
  Enable Interrupts
  If Ds(1) <> 255 Or Ds(2) <> 255 Or Ds(3) <> 255 Or Ds(4) <> 255 Or Ds(5) <> 255 Or Ds(6) <> 255 Or Ds(7) <> 255 Or Ds(8) <> 255 Then
    Ds_ok = 1
    For N = 1 To 8
      Hbyte(1) = Ds_adr + N
      Writeeeprom Ds(n) , Hbyte(1)
    Next N
    Ds_ok = 0
  End If
'******  rejestracja DS Koniec ******
'*************  Temperatura   ***********
  Disable Interrupts
  Select Case Ktory_ds
    Case 0:
      1wwrite &HCC
      1wwrite &H44
    Case 1:
      1wwrite &H55
      1wwrite Ds1(1) , 8
      1wwrite &HBE
      Lsb = 1wread():
      Msb = 1wread():
    Case 2:
      1wwrite &H55
      1wwrite Ds2(1) , 8
      1wwrite &HBE
      Lsb = 1wread():
      Msb = 1wread():
    Case 3:
      1wwrite &H55
      1wwrite Ds3(1) , 8
      1wwrite &HBE
      Lsb = 1wread():
      Msb = 1wread():
    Case 4:
      1wwrite &H55
      1wwrite Ds4(1) , 8
      1wwrite &HBE
      Lsb = 1wread():
      Msb = 1wread():
  End Select
  Enable Interrupts
  If Ktory_ds > 0 Then
    T(ktory_ds) = Msb * 256
    T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) + Lsb
    Minusy.ktory_ds = Msb.7
    If Minusy.ktory_ds = 1 Then
      T(ktory_ds) = Not T(ktory_ds)
      T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) + 1
    End If
    T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) * 10
    T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) / 16
    If Poz_wysw = 1 And Wyswietlono = 1 Then Wyswietlanie = 1
  End If
  Incr Ktory_ds
  If Ktory_ds = 5 Then Ktory_ds = 0
'**********  Temperatura  Koniec *********
'************   Sterowanie       ***************
  If Tryb_letni = 1 Then
    If T(1) >= T_min Then
      Hword(1) = T(2) + 70
      Hword(2) = T(2) + 30
      If T(1) >= Hword(1) Then Pompa = 0
      If T(1) <= Hword(2) Then Pompa = 1
      Pompa = 1
    End If
    If T(1) >= T_min Then
     Pompa = 0
      Pompa = 1
    End If
  End If
  If Tryb_letni = 1 Then
    If T(1) >= T_minz Then
      Hword(1) = T(2) + 30
      Hword(2) = T(2) + 20
      If T(1) >= Hword(1) Then Zawor = 0
      If T(1) <= Hword(2) Then Zawor = 1
      End If
     If T(1) >= T_minz Then
      Hword(1) = T(2) + 30
      Hword(2) = T(2) + 20
      If T(1) >= Hword(1) Then Zawor = 0
      If T(1) <= Hword(2) Then Zawor = 1
    End If
  End If
  If T(1) >= T_alarm Or T(2) >= T_alarm Then
    If Buzz_en = 1 Then Buzz = Not Buzz Else Buzz = 1
    Buzz = 1
    Hword(1) = T_alarm - 50
    If T(1) <= Hword(1) And T(2) <= Hword(1) Then Buzz_en = 1
  End If

Drugi z kodów to ten który przerobiłem dla kolegi grek1209.Program zawiera sterowanie pompą co. bez zmian, dodatkowo sterowanie wentylatorem temperatura po jakiej ma się wyłączyć nastawiana z poziomu menu ponowne włączenie wentylatora następuje po spadnięciu temperatury o 2 stopnie. w obydwu przypadkach nie ma sterowania przedmuchami!!!!

                       $regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 16000000
'Config Porta = &B00111111 : Porta = &B11111111
Config Portb = &B11111000 : Portb = &B11111111
Config Portc = &B11111111 : Portc = &B11111111
Config Portd = &B00011111 : Portd = &B11111111
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.3 , Db5 = Portc.2 , Db6 = Portc.1 , Db7 = Portc.0 , E = Portc.4 , Rs = Portc.5       'mirley UPT M16
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Cursor Off Noblink
Config 1wire = Pind.2
Sw_port Alias Pinb                                          'nazwa portu
Pompa Alias Portd.3
Went Alias Portd.4
Buzz Alias Portd.1
Light Alias Portd.0
Ds1r Alias Pind.7
Ds2r Alias Pind.6
Ds3r Alias Pind.5
Led_a Alias Portb.5
Led_p Alias Portb.3
Led_w Alias Portb.4
Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 256
Enable Timer0 : On Timer0 Prztimer0
Enable Interrupts
'********** Konfiguracja uC Koniec  ************
'******************  Zmienne *******************
Dim Stan_sw As Byte , Sw As Byte , Licznik_sw As Byte       'sw
Dim Wyswietlanie As Byte , Poz_wysw As Byte , Wyswietlono As Bit       'Lcd
Dim Mig As Bit , Poz_ust As Byte
Dim Autosave As Byte , Autopowrot As Byte , Autolight As Byte
Dim Ds1(8) As Byte , Ds2(8) As Byte , Ds3(8) As Byte , Ds4(8) As Byte , Ds(8) As Byte , Ds_adr As Byte , Ds_ok As Bit       'DS18B20
Dim Ktory_ds As Byte , Lsb As Byte , Msb As Byte , Minusy As Byte
Dim T(4) As Word
Dim T_min As Word , T_alarm As Word
Dim T_went As Word
Dim Dzielnik(2) As Byte                                     'dzielniki timera
Dim Flaga_4ms As Bit , Flaga_500ms As Bit , Flaga_1s As Bit 'flagi przerwa?
Dim Hbyte(2) As Byte , Hword(3) As Word , N As Byte , Hbit As Bit , M As Byte
Dim Buzz_en As Bit
Dim Tryb_letni As Bit                                       '0- tryb zimowy, 1- tryb letni
Dim Hist As Integer
'*************  Zmienne Koniec  ****************
'************ Warunki Poczatkowe ***************
Light = 0
Lcd " Sterownik  C.O."
Lcd "    .1.1   "
Wait 1
If Ds1r = 1 And Ds2r = 0 And Ds3r = 0 Then
  Ds_adr = 30
  Gosub Ds_reg
  Lcd "Ds Piec"
End If
If Ds1r = 0 And Ds2r = 1 And Ds3r = 0 Then
  Ds_adr = 40
  Gosub Ds_reg
  Lcd "Ds Bojler"
End If
If Ds1r = 1 And Ds2r = 1 And Ds3r = 0 Then
  Ds_adr = 50
  Gosub Ds_reg
  Lcd "Ds Pokoj"
End If
If Ds1r = 0 And Ds2r = 0 And Ds3r = 1 Then
  Ds_adr = 60
  Gosub Ds_reg
  Lcd "Ds Zewnatrz"
End If
For N = 1 To 8
  Hbyte(1) = 30 + N
  Readeeprom Ds1(n) , Hbyte(1)
  Hbyte(1) = 40 + N
  Readeeprom Ds2(n) , Hbyte(1)
  Hbyte(1) = 50 + N
  Readeeprom Ds3(n) , Hbyte(1)
  Hbyte(1) = 60 + N
  Readeeprom Ds4(n) , Hbyte(1)
Next N
Readeeprom T_min , 2
Readeeprom T_alarm , 4
Readeeprom Hbyte(1) , 6
Readeeprom T_went , 7
Tryb_letni = Hbyte(1).0
If T_min < 100 Or T_min > 950 Then T_min = 400
If T_alarm < 100 Or T_alarm > 950 Then T_alarm = 850
If T_went < 100 Or T_went > 850 Then T_went = 350
Wait 1
Wyswietlono = 1
Wyswietlanie = 1
Autosave = 5
Autolight = 0
'*******  Warunki Poczatkowe Koniec  ***********
'**************  Petla glowna ******************
  '***********************************************   co 4ms
  If Flaga_4ms = 1 Then
    Flaga_4ms = 0
    Gosub Przyciski
    If Wyswietlono = 1 Then Gosub Wysw_lcd
  End If
  '***********************************************   co 500ms
  If Flaga_500ms = 1 Then
    Flaga_500ms = 0
    Mig = Not Mig
    Portd.6 = Buzz_en
    If Pompa = 0 Then Led_p = Mig Else Led_p = 1
    If Went = 0 Then Led_w = Mig Else Led_w = 1
    Led_a = Buzz
    Wyswietlanie = Poz_wysw
  End If
  '***********************************************   co 1s
  If Flaga_1s = 1 Then
    Flaga_1s = 0
    If Light = 0 Then
      Incr Autolight
      If Autolight >= 20 Then Light = 1
      Autolight = 0
    End If
    If Poz_wysw <> 1 Then
      Incr Autopowrot
      If Autopowrot = 6 Then
        'Poz_wysw = 1
        Wyswietlanie = 1
        Poz_ust = 0
      End If
      Autopowrot = 0
    End If
    If Autosave < 5 Then
      Incr Autosave
      If Autosave = 5 Then
        'tu zapis do eeprom
        Writeeeprom T_min , 2
        Writeeeprom T_alarm , 4
        Writeeeprom T_went , 7
        Hbyte(1) = 0
        Hbyte(1).0 = Tryb_letni
        Writeeeprom Hbyte(1) , 6
        Poz_ust = 0
      End If
    End If
    Gosub Temperatura
    Gosub Sterowanie
  End If
'************ Petla glowna Koniec **************
'************ Przerwanie timer 0 ***************
  Timer0 = 5
  Set Flaga_4ms
  Incr Dzielnik(1)
  If Dzielnik(1) = 125 Then
    Dzielnik(1) = 0
    Set Flaga_500ms
    Incr Dzielnik(2)
    If Dzielnik(2) = 2 Then
      Dzielnik(2) = 0
      Set Flaga_1s
    End If
  End If
'******** Przerwanie timer 0 Koniec ************
'*****************  Przyciski     **************
Sw = Sw_port And &B00000111                                 'maska na piny nieu?ywane jako sw
If Sw <> &B00000111 And Stan_sw = Sw Then
    Incr Licznik_sw
    If Licznik_sw = 68 Then
      Licznik_sw = 0
      Select Case Stan_sw
        Case &B00000011:                                    'incr
          Select Case Poz_wysw
            Case 3:
              Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                   Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                   If T_min < 950 Then T_min = T_min + 10
                Case 2:
                   If T_alarm < 950 Then T_alarm = T_alarm + 10
              End Select
              Autosave = 0
            Case 4:
              If Poz_ust = 0 Then Poz_ust = 1 Else Tryb_letni = Not Tryb_letni
              Autosave = 0
            Case 5:
               Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                  Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                  If T_went < 850 Then T_went = T_went + 10
          End Select
           Autosave = 0
          End Select
          If Buzz = 0 Then Buzz_en = 0
          Autopowrot = 0
          Light = 0
          Autolight = 0
        Case &B00000101:                                    'ustaw next
           If Poz_ust = 0 Then
            Wyswietlanie = Poz_wysw + 1
            If Wyswietlanie = 6 Then Wyswietlanie = 1
            Select Case Poz_wysw
              Case 3:
                Incr Poz_ust
                If Poz_ust = 3 Then Poz_ust = 0
              Case 4:
                Incr Poz_ust
                If Poz_ust = 2 Then Poz_ust = 0
              Case 5:
                 Incr Poz_ust
                If Poz_ust = 3 Then Poz_ust = 0
            End Select
          End If
          If Buzz = 0 Then Buzz_en = 0
          Autopowrot = 0
          Light = 0
          Autolight = 0
        Case &B00000110:                                    'decr
          Select Case Poz_wysw
            Case 3:
              Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                  Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                  If T_min > 100 Then T_min = T_min - 10
                Case 2:
                  If T_alarm > 100 Then T_alarm = T_alarm - 10
              End Select
              Autosave = 0
            Case 4:
              If Poz_ust = 0 Then Poz_ust = 1 Else Tryb_letni = Not Tryb_letni
               Autosave = 0
            Case 5:
               Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                  Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                   If T_went > 100 Then T_went = T_went - 10
               End Select
              Autosave = 0
          End Select
          If Buzz = 0 Then Buzz_en = 0
          Autopowrot = 0
          Light = 0
          Autolight = 0
      End Select
    End If
    Stan_sw = Sw
    Licznik_sw = 60
  End If
'**************    LCD     ***********
 If Wyswietlanie <> 0 Then
   Wyswietlono = 0
   Select Case Wyswietlanie
     Case 1:                                                'temp piec bojler
       If Poz_wysw <> 1 Then
         Deflcdchar 0 , 7 , 5 , 7 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32  'stopien
         'Deflcdchar 1 , 4 , 32 , 14 , 17 , 17 , 17 , 14 , 32       ' o kreskowane
         Lcd "Piec:"
         Lcd "Bojler:"
       End If
       For N = 1 To 2
         Hword(1) = T(n) / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Minusy.n = 1 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate N , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T(n) Mod 10
         If Minusy.n = 1 Then Lcd "-"
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C"
       Next N
     Case 2:                                                'temb banka,dom
        If Poz_wysw <> 2 Then
         Deflcdchar 0 , 7 , 5 , 7 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32  'stopien
          Deflcdchar 1 , 4 , 32 , 14 , 17 , 17 , 17 , 14 , 32       ' litera ó
          Deflcdchar 2 , 32 , 32 , 14 , 1 , 15 , 17 , 15 , 1       ' a kreskowane
         Lcd "Pok" ; Chr(1) ; "j:"
         Lcd "Zewn" ; Chr(2) ; "trz:"
       End If
       For N = 3 To 4
         Hword(1) = T(n) / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Minusy.n = 1 Then Decr Hword(2)
         M = N - 2
         Locate M , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T(n) Mod 10
         If Minusy.n = 1 Then Lcd "-"
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C"
       Next N
     Case 3:
       If Poz_wysw <> 3 Then
         Deflcdchar 0 , 7 , 5 , 7 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32  'stopien
         'Deflcdchar 1 , 4 , 32 , 14 , 17 , 17 , 17 , 14 , 32       ' o kreskowane
         Lcd "T.Min:"
         Lcd "T.Alarm"
       End If
       If Poz_ust = 1 And Mig = 1 Then
          Locate 1 , 10
          Lcd "       "
       't minimalna
         Hword(1) = T_min / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate 1 , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T_min Mod 10
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C "
       End If
       If Poz_ust = 2 And Mig = 1 Then
          Locate 2 , 10
          Lcd "       "
       't alarmowa
         Hword(1) = T_alarm / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate 2 , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T_alarm Mod 10
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C"
       End If
      Case 4:
        If Poz_wysw <> 4 Then
         Lcd "Tryb: "
       End If
       Locate 1 , 7
       If Poz_ust = 1 And Mig = 1 Then
          Lcd "       "
         If Tryb_letni = 1 Then Lcd "Letni" Else Lcd "Zimowy"
       End If
     Case 5:
        If Poz_wysw <> 5 Then
         Lcd "T wentyl.:"
       End If
     If Poz_ust = 1 And Mig = 1 Then
          Locate 1 , 10
          Lcd "       "
       't minimalna wentylatora
         Hword(1) = T_went / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate 1 , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T_went Mod 10
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C "
       End If
   End Select
   Poz_wysw = Wyswietlanie
   Wyswietlanie = 0
   Wyswietlono = 1
 End If
'************** LCD Koniec ***********
'**********  rejestracja DS *********
  Disable Interrupts
  1wwrite &H33
  Ds(1) = 1wread(8):
  Enable Interrupts
  If Ds(1) <> 255 Or Ds(2) <> 255 Or Ds(3) <> 255 Or Ds(4) <> 255 Or Ds(5) <> 255 Or Ds(6) <> 255 Or Ds(7) <> 255 Or Ds(8) <> 255 Then
    Ds_ok = 1
    For N = 1 To 8
      Hbyte(1) = Ds_adr + N
      Writeeeprom Ds(n) , Hbyte(1)
    Next N
    Ds_ok = 0
  End If
'******  rejestracja DS Koniec ******
'*************  Temperatura   ***********
  Disable Interrupts
  Select Case Ktory_ds
    Case 0:
      1wwrite &HCC
      1wwrite &H44
    Case 1:
      1wwrite &H55
      1wwrite Ds1(1) , 8
      1wwrite &HBE
      Lsb = 1wread():
      Msb = 1wread():
    Case 2:
      1wwrite &H55
      1wwrite Ds2(1) , 8
      1wwrite &HBE
      Lsb = 1wread():
      Msb = 1wread():
    Case 3:
      1wwrite &H55
      1wwrite Ds3(1) , 8
      1wwrite &HBE
      Lsb = 1wread():
      Msb = 1wread():
    Case 4:
      1wwrite &H55
      1wwrite Ds4(1) , 8
      1wwrite &HBE
      Lsb = 1wread():
      Msb = 1wread():
  End Select
  Enable Interrupts
  If Ktory_ds > 0 Then
    T(ktory_ds) = Msb * 256
    T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) + Lsb
    Minusy.ktory_ds = Msb.7
    If Minusy.ktory_ds = 1 Then
      T(ktory_ds) = Not T(ktory_ds)
      T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) + 1
    End If
    T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) * 10
    T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) / 16
    If Poz_wysw = 1 And Wyswietlono = 1 Then Wyswietlanie = 1
  End If
  Incr Ktory_ds
  If Ktory_ds = 5 Then Ktory_ds = 0
'**********  Temperatura  Koniec *********
'************   Sterowanie       ***************
  If Tryb_letni = 1 Then
    If T(1) >= T_min Then
      Hword(1) = T(2) + 70
      Hword(2) = T(2) + 30
      If T(1) >= Hword(1) Then Pompa = 0
      If T(1) <= Hword(2) Then Pompa = 1
      Pompa = 1
    End If
    If T(1) >= T_min Then
     Pompa = 0
      Pompa = 1
    End If
    End If
    Hist = T_went - 20
    If T(1) >= T_went Then
      Went = 1
       End If
    If T(1) <= Hist Then
       Went = 0
       End If
  If T(1) >= T_alarm Or T(2) >= T_alarm Then
    If Buzz_en = 1 Then Buzz = Not Buzz Else Buzz = 1
    Buzz = 1
    Hword(1) = T_alarm - 50
    If T(1) <= Hword(1) And T(2) <= Hword(1) Then Buzz_en = 1
  End If


                     '************* Konfiguracja uC *****************
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 16000000
Config Portb = &B11111000 : Portb = &B11111111
Config Portc = &B11111111 : Portc = &B11111111
Config Portd = &B00011111 : Portd = &B11111111
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.3 , Db5 = Portc.2 , Db6 = Portc.1 , Db7 = Portc.0 , E = Portc.4 , Rs = Portc.5       'mirley UPT M16
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Deflcdchar 0 , 7 , 5 , 7 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32           'stopien
Deflcdchar 1 , 3 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 3                'nawias[
Deflcdchar 2 , 24 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 24              'nawias]
Cursor Off Noblink
Config 1wire = Pind.2
Sw_port Alias Pinb                                          'nazwa portu
Pompa Alias Portd.3
Went Alias Portd.4
Buzz Alias Portd.1
Ds1r Alias Pind.7
Ds2r Alias Pind.6
Led_a Alias Portb.5
Led_p Alias Portb.3
Led_w Alias Portb.4
Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 256
Enable Timer0 : On Timer0 Prztimer0
Enable Interrupts
'********** Konfiguracja uC Koniec  ************
'******************  Zmienne *******************
Dim Stan_sw As Byte , Sw As Byte , Licznik_sw As Byte       'sw
Dim Wyswietlanie As Byte , Poz_wysw As Byte , Wyswietlono As Bit       'Lcd
Dim Mig As Bit , Poz_ust As Byte
Dim Autosave As Byte , Autopowrot As Byte
Dim Ds1(8) As Byte , Ds2(8) As Byte , Ds(8) As Byte , Ds_adr As Byte , Ds_ok As Bit       'DS18B20
Dim Ktory_ds As Byte , Lsb As Byte , Msb As Byte , Minusy As Byte
Dim T(4) As Word
Dim T_min As Word , T_alarm As Word                         'menu
Dim Dmuch As Byte , Przerwa As Word
Dim T_minw As Word , Hist As Word
Dim Dzielnik(2) As Byte                                     'dzielniki timera
Dim Flaga_4ms As Bit , Flaga_500ms As Bit , Flaga_1s As Bit , Flaga_120s As Bit       'flagi przerwań
Dim Hbyte(2) As Byte , Hword(3) As Word , N As Byte , Hbit As Bit , M As Byte
Dim Buzz_en As Bit
Dim Tryb_letni As Bit                                       '0- tryb zimowy, 1- tryb letni
Dim Wygaszenie As Bit , Praca_przerwa As Bit
Dim Licznik_went As Word , Tryb_pracy As Bit                'przerywany czy ciagly
Dim Wygasz_licz As Byte , Off_licz As Byte , Oldt1 As Word  ' wygaszanie pieca
'*************  Zmienne Koniec  ****************
'************ Warunki Poczatkowe ***************
Lcd " Sterownik  C.O."
Lcd "  Wersja 2.0.0  "
Wait 1
If Ds1r = 1 And Ds2r = 0 Then                               'programowaniew czujnikow
  Ds_adr = 30
  Gosub Ds_reg
  Lcd "Ds Piec"
End If
If Ds1r = 0 And Ds2r = 1 Then
  Ds_adr = 40
  Gosub Ds_reg
  Lcd "Ds Bojler"
End If
For N = 1 To 8
  Hbyte(1) = 30 + N
  Readeeprom Ds1(n) , Hbyte(1)
  Hbyte(1) = 40 + N
  Readeeprom Ds2(n) , Hbyte(1)
Next N
Readeeprom T_minw , 0
Readeeprom T_min , 2
Readeeprom T_alarm , 4
Readeeprom Hbyte(1) , 6
Readeeprom Dmuch , 7
Readeeprom Przerwa , 8
Tryb_letni = Hbyte(1).0
If T_minw < 100 Or T_minw > 950 Then T_minw = 400
If T_min < 100 Or T_min > 950 Then T_min = 400
If T_alarm < 100 Or T_alarm > 950 Then T_alarm = 850
If Dmuch < 2 Or Dmuch > 99 Then Dmuch = 10
If Przerwa < 60 Or Przerwa > 5940 Then Przerwa = 600
Hword(1) = Przerwa / 60
Hword(1) = Hword(1) * 60
If Przerwa <> Hword(1) Then Przerwa = 600
Wait 1
'start watch dog
Wygaszenie = 1                                              'standardowo wentylator nie pracuje
Wyswietlono = 1
Wyswietlanie = 1
Autosave = 5
'*******  Warunki Poczatkowe Koniec  ***********
'**************  Petla glowna ******************
  '***********************************************   co 4ms
  If Flaga_4ms = 1 Then
    Flaga_4ms = 0
    Gosub Przyciski
    If Wyswietlono = 1 Then Gosub Wysw_lcd
  End If
  '***********************************************   co 500ms
  If Flaga_500ms = 1 Then
    Flaga_500ms = 0
    Mig = Not Mig
    If Pompa = 0 Then Led_p = Mig Else Led_p = 1
    If Went = 0 Then Led_w = Mig Else Led_w = 1
    Led_a = Buzz
    Wyswietlanie = Poz_wysw
  End If
  '***********************************************   co 1s
  If Flaga_1s = 1 Then
    Flaga_1s = 0
    If Poz_wysw <> 1 Then
      Incr Autopowrot
      If Autopowrot = 6 Then
        'Poz_wysw = 1
        Wyswietlanie = 1
        Poz_ust = 0
      End If
      Autopowrot = 0
    End If
    If Autosave < 6 Then
      Incr Autosave
      If Autosave = 6 Then
        'tu zapis do eeprom
        Writeeeprom T_minw , 0
        Writeeeprom T_min , 2                               '2 bajty
        Writeeeprom T_alarm , 4                             '2 bajty
        Hbyte(1) = 0
        Hbyte(1).0 = Tryb_letni
        Writeeeprom Hbyte(1) , 6                            'bajt
        Writeeeprom Dmuch , 7                               'bajt
        Writeeeprom Przerwa , 8                             '2 bajty
        Poz_ust = 0
      End If
    End If
    Gosub Temperatura
    Gosub Sterowanie
  End If
'************ Petla glowna Koniec **************
'************ Przerwanie timer 0 ***************
  Timer0 = 5
  Set Flaga_4ms
  Incr Dzielnik(1)
  If Dzielnik(1) = 125 Then
    Dzielnik(1) = 0
    Set Flaga_500ms
    Incr Dzielnik(2)
    If Dzielnik(2) = 2 Then
      Dzielnik(2) = 0
      Set Flaga_1s
    End If
  End If
'******** Przerwanie timer 0 Koniec ************
'*****************  Przyciski     **************
Sw = Sw_port And &B00000111                                 'maska na piny nieużywane jako sw
If Sw <> &B00000111 And Stan_sw = Sw Then
    Incr Licznik_sw
    If Licznik_sw = 68 Then
      Licznik_sw = 0
      Select Case Stan_sw
        Case &B00000011:                                    'incr
          Select Case Poz_wysw
            Case 2:
              Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                   Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                   If T_minw < 950 Then T_minw = T_minw + 10
                    End Select
                     Autosave = 0
                      Case 3:
                        Select Case Poz_ust
                            Case 0:
                             Poz_ust = 1
                              Case 1:
                             If T_min < 950 Then T_min = T_min + 10
                         Case 2:
                     If T_alarm < 950 Then T_alarm = T_alarm + 10
                         End Select
                       Autosave = 0
                       Case 4:
                       If Poz_ust = 0 Then Poz_ust = 1 Else Tryb_letni = Not Tryb_letni
              Autosave = 0
            Case 5:
              Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                  Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                  If Dmuch < 99 Then Dmuch = Dmuch + 1
                Case 2:
                  If Przerwa < 5940 Then Przerwa = Przerwa + 60
              End Select
              Autosave = 0
          End Select
          If Buzz = 0 Then Buzz_en = 0
          Autopowrot = 0
        Case &B00000101:                                    'ustaw next
          If Poz_ust = 0 Then
            Wyswietlanie = Poz_wysw + 1
            If Wyswietlanie = 6 Then Wyswietlanie = 1
            Select Case Poz_wysw
               Case 2:
                Incr Poz_ust
                If Poz_ust = 2 Then Poz_ust = 0
              Case 3:
                Incr Poz_ust
                If Poz_ust = 3 Then Poz_ust = 0
              Case 4:
                Incr Poz_ust
                If Poz_ust = 2 Then Poz_ust = 0
              Case 5:
                Incr Poz_ust
                If Poz_ust = 3 Then Poz_ust = 0
            End Select
          End If
          If Buzz = 0 Then Buzz_en = 0
          Autopowrot = 0
        Case &B00000110:                                    'decr
          Select Case Poz_wysw
            Case 1:
              Off_licz = 0
              Tryb_pracy = 0
              Wygaszenie = Not Wygaszenie
            Case 2:
              Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                  Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                  If T_minw > 100 Then T_minw = T_minw - 10
                   End Select
                   Autosave = 0
            Case 3:
              Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                  Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                  If T_min > 100 Then T_min = T_min - 10
                Case 2:
                  If T_alarm > 100 Then T_alarm = T_alarm - 10
              End Select
              Autosave = 0
            Case 4:
              If Poz_ust = 0 Then Poz_ust = 1 Else Tryb_letni = Not Tryb_letni
               Autosave = 0
            Case 5:
              Select Case Poz_ust
                Case 0:
                  Poz_ust = 1
                Case 1:
                  If Dmuch > 2 Then Dmuch = Dmuch - 1
                Case 2:
                  If Przerwa > 60 Then Przerwa = Przerwa - 60
              End Select
              Autosave = 0
          End Select
          If Buzz = 0 Then Buzz_en = 0
          Autopowrot = 0
      End Select
    End If
    Stan_sw = Sw
    Licznik_sw = 60
  End If
'**************    LCD     ***********
 If Wyswietlanie <> 0 Then
   Wyswietlono = 0
   Select Case Wyswietlanie
     Case 1:                                                'temp piec bojler
       If Poz_wysw <> 1 Then
         Lcd "Piec  :"
         Lcd "Bojler:"
       End If
       For N = 1 To 2
         Hword(1) = T(n) / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Minusy.n = 1 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate N , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T(n) Mod 10
         If Minusy.n = 1 Then Lcd "-"
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C"
       Next N
     Case 2:                                                'temb banka,dom
        If Poz_wysw <> 2 Then
         Lcd "T.Minw:"
       End If
       If Poz_ust = 1 And Mig = 1 Then
          Locate 1 , 10
          Lcd "       "
       't wyłączenia wentylatora
         Hword(1) = T_minw / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate 1 , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T_minw Mod 10
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C "
       End If
     Case 3:
       If Poz_wysw <> 3 Then
         Lcd "T.Min:"
         Lcd "T.Alarm:"
       End If
       If Poz_ust = 1 And Mig = 1 Then
          Locate 1 , 10
          Lcd "       "
       't minimalna
         Hword(1) = T_min / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate 1 , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T_min Mod 10
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C "
       End If
       If Poz_ust = 2 And Mig = 1 Then
          Locate 2 , 10
          Lcd "       "
       't alarmowa
         Hword(1) = T_alarm / 10
         Hword(2) = 12
         If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
         If Hword(1) >= 100 Then Decr Hword(2)
         Locate 2 , Hword(2)
         Hword(2) = T_alarm Mod 10
         Lcd Hword(1) ; "." ; Hword(2) ; Chr(0) ; "C"
       End If
      Case 4:
        If Poz_wysw <> 4 Then
         Lcd "Tryb: "
       End If
       Locate 1 , 7
       If Poz_ust = 1 And Mig = 1 Then
          Lcd "       "
         If Tryb_letni = 1 Then Lcd "Letni" Else Lcd "Zimowy"
       End If
     Case 5:
        If Poz_wysw <> 5 Then
         Lcd "Nadmuch:"
         Lcd "Przerwa:"
       End If
       If Poz_ust = 1 And Mig = 1 Then
          Locate 1 , 10
          Lcd "       "
        Hword(2) = 11
        If Dmuch >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
        Locate 1 , Hword(2)
        Lcd Dmuch ; Chr(1) ; "s" ; Chr(2)
       End If
       If Poz_ust = 2 And Mig = 1 Then
          Locate 2 , 10
          Lcd "       "
        Hword(2) = 11
        Hword(1) = Przerwa / 60
        If Hword(1) >= 10 Then Decr Hword(2)
        Locate 2 , Hword(2)
        Lcd Hword(1) ; Chr(1) ; "min" ; Chr(2)
       End If
   End Select
   Poz_wysw = Wyswietlanie
   Wyswietlanie = 0
   Wyswietlono = 1
 End If
'************** LCD Koniec ***********
'**********  rejestracja DS *********
  Disable Interrupts
  1wwrite &H33
  Ds(1) = 1wread(8):
  Enable Interrupts
   If Ds(1) <> 255 Or Ds(2) <> 255 Or Ds(3) <> 255 Then
    Ds_ok = 1
    For N = 1 To 8
      Hbyte(1) = Ds_adr + N
      Writeeeprom Ds(n) , Hbyte(1)
    Next N
    Ds_ok = 0
  End If
'******  rejestracja DS Koniec ******
'*************  Temperatura   ***********
  Disable Interrupts
  Select Case Ktory_ds
    Case 0:
      1wwrite &HCC
      1wwrite &H44
    Case 1:
      1wwrite &H55
      1wwrite Ds1(1) , 8
      1wwrite &HBE
      Lsb = 1wread():
      Msb = 1wread():
    Case 2:
      1wwrite &H55
      1wwrite Ds2(1) , 8
      1wwrite &HBE
      Lsb = 1wread():
      Msb = 1wread():
  End Select
  Enable Interrupts
  If Ktory_ds > 0 Then
    T(ktory_ds) = Msb * 256
    T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) + Lsb
    Minusy.ktory_ds = Msb.7
    If Minusy.ktory_ds = 1 Then
      T(ktory_ds) = Not T(ktory_ds)
      T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) + 1
    End If
    T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) * 10
    T(ktory_ds) = T(ktory_ds) / 16
    If Poz_wysw = 1 And Wyswietlono = 1 Then Wyswietlanie = 1
  End If
  Incr Ktory_ds
  If Ktory_ds = 5 Then Ktory_ds = 0
'**********  Temperatura  Koniec *********
'************   Sterowanie       ***************
  If Tryb_letni = 1 Then
    If T(1) >= T_min Then                                   'wlacza sie przy t_min
      Hword(1) = T(2) + 70
      Hword(2) = T(2) + 30
      If T(1) >= Hword(1) Then Pompa = 0                    'wlacza sie pompa jesli na piecu t większe o 7 stopni niz bojler
      If T(1) <= Hword(2) Then Pompa = 1                    'wylacza kiedy gdy na piecu t większe o mniej niż 3 stopnie
      Hword(1) = T_min - 30
      If T(1) < Hword(1) Then Pompa = 1
    End If
    If T(1) >= T_min Then
     Pompa = 0
      Hword(1) = T_min - 30
      If T(1) < Hword(1) Then Pompa = 1
    End If
  End If
  If T(1) >= T_alarm Or T(2) >= T_alarm Then
    If Buzz_en = 1 Then Buzz = Not Buzz Else Buzz = 1
    Buzz = 1
    Hword(1) = T_alarm - 50
    If T(1) <= Hword(1) And T(2) <= Hword(1) Then Buzz_en = 1
  End If
       If T(1) >= T_minw Then
    If Tryb_pracy = 0 Then                                  'je?li był ciagly to zmien tryb na przerywany i resetuj zmienne
      Tryb_pracy = 1
      Licznik_went = 0
      Praca_przerwa = 0
    End If
    Hword(1) = T_minw - 30
    If T(1) < Hword(1) Then
      If Tryb_pracy = 1 Then
        Tryb_pracy = 0
        Off_licz = 0
      End If
    End If
  End If
       If Wygaszenie = 0 Then
    If Tryb_pracy = 0 Then
      Went = 0
      Incr Wygasz_licz
      If Wygasz_licz = 250 Then                             '250
        Wygasz_licz = 0                                     'co okolo 4min
        If Oldt1 >= T(1) Then
          Incr Off_licz
          If Off_licz = 8 Then Wygaszenie = 1
          If Off_licz > 0 Then Decr Off_licz
        End If
        Oldt1 = T(1)
      End If
      If Praca_przerwa = 0 Then                             'przerwa
        Went = 1
        Incr Licznik_went
        If Licznik_went >= Przerwa Then
          Licznik_went = 0
          Praca_przerwa = 1
        End If
        Went = 0
        Incr Licznik_went
        If Licznik_went >= Dmuch Then
          Licznik_went = 0
          Praca_przerwa = 0
        End If
      End If
    End If
    Went = 1
  End If
'********    Sterowanie      Koniec ***

Portret użytkownika boniu

mój sterownik piecz co

Witam !!
opracowałem sterownik pieca co i bojlera , działa od kilku lat ale czasem wyskakuje jakiś problem np.brak histerezy przy równaniu temperatur,i nie potrafię przypisać numerów fabrycznych do czujników tak aby odczytywany był konkretny czujnik.
Nie potrafię załączyć pliku.
Program opracowałem w baskomie.


z poważaniem Bronislaw

Portret użytkownika boniu

mój sterownik pieca co

Przepraszam za błąd w tytule
tylko w takiej formie udało mi się wkleić program.

$regfile = "M168def.dat"

$crystal = 8000000

Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portb.4 , Db5 = Portb.5 , Db6 = Portb.6 , Db7 = Portb.7 , E = Portb.1 , Rs = Portb.3
Lcd "ATM168_13_01_8"
Lcd "Boniu" '
Wait 2
Config Watchdog = 2048
Start Watchdog
Config Portc.0 = Output 'wyjscia otwary colektor przekaznikowe ppompaco
Config Portc.1 = Output 'wyjscia przekaznikowe klapa
Config Portc.2 = Output 'wyjscia przekaznikowe pp cyrkulacyjna
Config Portc.3 = Output 'wyjscia przekaznikowe
Config Portc.4 = Output '
Config Portb.2 = Output 'wyjscia przekaznikowe
Config Portb.0 = Output 'podswietlenie LCD
Config Portd.0 = Output 'grzałki w bojlerze
Config Portd.1 = Output 'zawbojler
Config Portd.5 = Output 'alarm
Config Portd.2 = Input 'przycisk OK
Config Portd.3 = Input 'przycisk PRAWO
Config Portd.4 = Input 'przycisk GORA
Config Portd.6 = Input 'przycisk DOL
Config Portd.7 = Input 'przycisk LEWO
Config 1wire = Portc.5 '1wire
Portd.2 = 1
Portd.3 = 1
Portd.4 = 1
Portd.6 = 1
Portd.7 = 1
Portb.0 = 0
Dim Pom As Bit 'zmienna pomocnicza do włączania pompy
Dim Plicznik As Byte 'licznik zmienna pomocnicza do włączania pompy
Dim Plicz As Bit
Dim Licznik As Byte 'licznik obiegów pętli
Dim X As Bit 'zmenna pomocnicza do alarmu
Dim Ppp As Byte 'zmienna pomocnicza do zmiany programów
Dim Ppp_eep As Eram Byte 'zmienna pomocnicza do zmiany programów
Dim Al As Bit 'zmienna pomocnicza do alarmu
Dim Escap As Bit
Dim Escape As Bit
Dim Esc As Bit
Dim Zmiana As Bit
Dim Li As Bit
Dim Pozycja As Byte
Dim Tpg_eep As Eram Integer
Dim Tpg As Integer
Dim Tpgs As String * 6
Dim Tpd_eep As Eram Integer
Dim Tpd As Integer
Dim Tpds As String * 6
Dim Ta_eep As Eram Integer
Dim Ta As Integer
Dim Tas As String * 6
Dim Tkg1_eep As Eram Integer
Dim Tkg1 As Integer
Dim Tkg1s As String * 6
Dim Tkd1_eep As Eram Integer
Dim Tkd1 As Integer
Dim Tkd1s As String * 6
Dim Tzg_eep As Eram Integer
Dim Tzg As Integer
Dim Tzgs As String * 6
Dim Tzd_eep As Eram Integer
Dim Tzd As Integer
Dim Tzds As String * 6
Dim Tbg_eep As Eram Integer
Dim Tbg As Integer
Dim Tbgs As String * 6
Dim Tbd_eep As Eram Integer
Dim Tbd As Integer
Dim Tbds As String * 6
Dim Tsalon_eep As Eram Integer
Dim Tsalon As Integer
Dim Tsalons As String * 6
Dim Tsal As Integer
Dim T As Integer
Dim Ts As String * 6
Dim I1 As Integer 't piec
Dim I2 As Integer 't salon
Dim I3 As Integer
Dim I4 As Integer
Dim Izz As Integer
Dim P As Integer
Dim Bb As Integer
Dim G As Integer
Dim S As Integer 't bojler
Dim Ss1 As String * 6
Dim Ss2 As String * 6
Dim Ss3 As String * 6
Dim Ss4 As String * 6
Dim Dsid1(8) As Byte
Dim Dsid2(8) As Byte
Dim Dsid3(8) As Byte
Dim Dsid4(8) As Byte
Declare Sub Wyl_alarm
Declare Sub Odczyt_temp
Declare Sub Light
Declare Sub Pp
Declare Sub P1_co_we
Declare Sub P2_bo_we
Declare Sub P3_co_el_bo
Declare Sub P4_bo_el
Declare Sub P5_co_pzamarzaniu
Declare Sub P6_bo_priorytet
Declare Sub P7_co_priorytet
Declare Sub Setpositionmenu
Declare Sub Ustawt
Up Alias Pind.4 'prycisk zielony
Down Alias Pind.6 'przycisk zielony
Lewo Alias Pind.7 'przycisk czarny
Prawo Alias Pind.3 'przycisk czarny
Ok Alias Pind.2 'przycisk czerwony
Alarm Alias Portd.5 'dioda niebieska
Pompa Alias Portc.0 'dioda czerwona przezroczysta pompa co
Klapa Alias Portc.1 'diod abiała klapa pieca co
Ppcyrkul Alias Portc.2 'dioda niebieska pompa cyrkulacyjna
Zawor Alias Portc.3 'dioda zielona zawór na powrocie co 0=otwarty,1=zamknięty
Grz_co Alias Portb.2 'dioda żółta Grzałki co
Lamp Alias Portb.0 'podświetlenie LCD
Zawbojler Alias Portd.1 'dioda czerwon dyfuzyjna zawór w obiegu bojlera
Grz_bo Alias Portd.0 'dioda.czerwona dyfuzyjna.grzałki bo
Reset Watchdog
Enable Interrupts
Enable Int0
On Int0 Menu Nosave
Li = 0
Al = 1
X = 1
Licznik = 1
Plicz = 0
Plicznik = 1
Tpg = Tpg_eep 'T zalonczenia pompy Tzp
Tpd = Tpd_eep 'T wylonczenia pompy Twp
Tkg1 = Tkg1_eep 'T zamkniecia klapy w trybie 1 Tzk1
Tkd1 = Tkd1_eep 'T otwarcia klapy w trybie 1 Tok1
Tzg = Tzg_eep 'T otwazrcia zaworu powrotnego w trybie bojlera Toz
Tzd = Tzd_eep 'T zamkniecia zaworu powrotnego w trybie bojlera Tzz
Tbg = Tbg_eep 'T bojlera
Tbd = Tbd_eep 'T otwarcia klapy w trybie 2 Tok2
Ta = Ta_eep 'T wlaczenia alarmu Twa
Tsalon = Tsalon_eep 'T zadana w pokoju Tsalon
Ppp = Ppp_eep 'zmienna programowa
Dsid1(1) = 1wsearchfirst() 'znaajdz pierwszy czujnik podpiety do portu
Dsid2(1) = 1wsearchnext() 'Znajdź kolejny czujnik podpięty do portu
Dsid3(1) = 1wsearchnext() 'Znajdź kolejny czujnik podpięty do portu
Dsid4(1) = 1wsearchnext()
Reset Watchdog


Call Odczyt_temp

Reset Watchdog
Lcd Ss1 ; " " ; Ss2 ; " " ; Ss3
Locate 2 , 13
Lcd Ss4
If I1 > Ta Then 'wlancznie alarmu TA'
If X = 1 Then
Alarm = 1
Al = 0
Lcd "ALARM " ; "temp=" ; Ss1
End If
X = 1
End If
Reset Watchdog
Config Debounce = 30
If Al = 0 Then
Debounce Pind.3 , 0 , Wyl_alarm , Sub 'wylancza alarm
End If
Reset Watchdog
Config Debounce = 30
Debounce Pind.4 , 0 , Pp , Sub
Config Debounce = 30
Debounce Pind.6 , 0 , Pp , Sub
Config Debounce = 30
Debounce Pind.7 , 0 , Light , Sub
Reset Watchdog
If Ppp = 1 Then
Call P1_co_we
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "P1 co_we"
End If
If Ppp = 2 Then
Call P2_bo_we
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "P2 bo_we"
End If
If Ppp = 3 Then
Call P3_co_el_bo
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "P3 co_el_bo"
Reset Watchdog
End If
If Ppp = 4 Then
Call P4_bo_el
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "P4 bo_el"
End If
Reset Watchdog
If Ppp = 5 Then
Call P5_co_pzamarzaniu
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "P5 -*-*-"
End If
If Ppp = 6 Then
Call P6_bo_priorytet
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "P6 bo_prior"
End If
If Ppp = 7 Then
Call P7_co_priorytet
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "P7 co_prior"
End If

If Li = 1 Then
Lamp = 1
End If
If Lamp = 1 Then
Incr Licznik
End If
If Licznik = 50 Then
Lamp = 0
Li = 0
Licznik = 1
End If

Reset Watchdog
Reset Watchdog
Sub Odczyt_temp
Reset Watchdog
1wwrite &H55
1wverify Dsid1(1) 'wysyłamy adres pierwszego czujnika
1wwrite &HBE
S = 1wread(2)
Reset Watchdog
1wwrite &H55
1wverify Dsid2(1) 'wysylam adres drugiego czujnika
1wwrite &HBE
P = 1wread(2)
Reset Watchdog
1wwrite &H55
1wverify Dsid3(1) 'wysylam adres trzeciego czujnika
1wwrite &HBE
G = 1wread(2)
Reset Watchdog
1wwrite &H55
1wverify Dsid4(1) 'wysylam adres trzeciego czujnika
1wwrite &HBE
Bb = 1wread(2)
Reset Watchdog
1wwrite &HCC
1wwrite &H44
Waitms 500
Reset Watchdog
I1 = P
I1 = I1 * 10 'temperatura pieca
I1 = I1 / 16
Ss1 = Str(i1)
Ss1 = Format(ss1 , "0.0")
Reset Watchdog
I2 = Bb
I2 = I2 * 10 'temperatura bojlera
I2 = I2 / 16
Ss2 = Str(i2)
Ss2 = Format(ss2 , "0.0")
Reset Watchdog
I3 = S
I3 = I3 * 10 'temperatura pokojowa
I3 = I3 / 16
Ss3 = Str(i3)
Ss3 = Format(ss3 , "0.0")
Reset Watchdog
I4 = G
I4 = I4 * 10 'temperatura grzałki
I4 = I4 / 16
Ss4 = Str(i4)
Ss4 = Format(ss4 , "0.0")

End Sub

Sub Pp 'wybor programu
Reset Watchdog
If Up = 0 Then
Waitms 30
If Up = 0 Then
Incr Ppp
If Ppp = 8 Then
Ppp = 1
End If
End If : End If
Ppp_eep = Ppp
If Down = 0 Then
Waitms 30
If Down = 0 Then
Decr Ppp
If Ppp = 0 Then
Ppp = 7
End If
End If : End If
Ppp_eep = Ppp
End Sub

Sub Wyl_alarm
Reset Watchdog 'wylanczanie alarmu TA'
X = 0
Alarm = 0
Al = 1
End Sub

Sub Light 'podświetlenie
Reset Watchdog
Toggle Li
End Sub

Sub P1_co_we 'program węglowego ogrzewania co
Reset Watchdog
Zawor = 0
Grz_bo = 0
Grz_co = 0
If I1 > Tpg Then 'pompa zalonczona TPG'
Pompa = 1
End If
If I1 < Tpd Then 'pompa wylonczona TPD'
Pompa = 0
End If
If I1 < Tkd1 Then
If I3 < Tsalon Then
Klapa = 1
End If
End If
If I1 > Tkg1 Then
Klapa = 0
End If
Tsal = Tsalon + 2
If I3 > Tsal Then
Klapa = 0
End If
Izz = I2 - 10
If I1 > Izz Then
Zawbojler = 0
Ppcyrkul = 1
End If
If I1 < Izz Then
Zawbojler = 1
Ppcyrkul = 0
End If
End Sub

Sub P2_bo_we 'program weglowego grzania bojlera
Reset Watchdog
Zawbojler = 0
Grz_co = 0
Grz_bo = 0
If I1 > I2 Then 'porównanie temp pic-bojler
Pompa = 1
End If
If I1 < I2 Then
Pompa = 0
End If
If I1 > Tzg Then 'zawor otwarty TZG'
Zawor = 0
End If
If I1 < Tzd Then 'zawor zamkniety TZD'
Zawor = 1
End If
If I1 < Tkd1 Then 'klapa otwarta TKDco'
Klapa = 1
End If
If I1 > Tkg1 Then
Klapa = 0
End If
Izz = I2 - 10
If I1 > Izz Then
Zawbojler = 0
End If
If I1 < Izz Then
Zawbojler = 1
End If
End Sub

Sub P3_co_el_bo 'program elektrycznego ogrzewania co
Reset Watchdog
Klapa = 0 'klapa=0 oznacza ze jest zamknieta
Zawor = 0 'zawor =0 oznacza że jest otwarty
If I3 < Tsalon Then
Grz_co = 1
Pompa = 1
End If
If I4 > 820 Then '820=82 st.C
Pompa = 1
End If
Tsal = Tsalon + 2
If I3 > Tsal Then
Grz_co = 0
Pompa = 0
End If
Zawbojler = 1
If I2 < Tbd Then
Grz_bo = 1
End If
If I2 > Tbg Then
Grz_bo = 0
End If
End Sub

Sub P4_bo_el 'program elektrycznego grzanaibojlera
Reset Watchdog
Grz_co = 0
Pompa = 0
Zawor = 1
Zawbojler = 1
Klapa = 0
If I2 < Tbd Then
Grz_bo = 1
End If
If I2 > Tbg Then
Grz_bo = 0
End If
End Sub

Sub P5_co_pzamarzaniu 'program przeciwzamrożeniowy
Reset Watchdog

Grz_bo = 0
Ppcyrkul = 0
Zawor = 0
Klapa = 0
If I4 > 820 Then '820=82 st.C
Pompa = 1
End If
If I3 < 50 Then
Grz_co = 1
Pompa = 1
End If
If I3 >= 70 Then
Grz_co = 0
Pompa = 0
End If
End Sub

Sub P6_bo_priorytet
Reset Watchdog
Zawbojler = 0
Grz_co = 0
Grz_bo = 0
If I1 > I2 Then 'porównanie temp pic-bojler
Pompa = 1
End If
If I1 < I2 Then
Pompa = 0
End If
If I1 > Tzg Then 'zawor otwarty TZG'
Zawor = 0
End If
If I1 < Tzd Then 'zawor zamkniety TZD'
Zawor = 1
End If
If I1 < Tkd1 Then 'klapa otwarta TKDco'
Klapa = 1
End If
If I1 > Tkg1 Then
Klapa = 0
End If
Izz = I2 + 10
If I1 > Izz Then
Zawbojler = 0 '0 oznacza zawor otwarty
End If
If I1 < Izz Then
Zawbojler = 1 '1-ozacza zawor zamkniety
End If
If I2 > Tbg Then
Ppp = 7
End If
End Sub

Sub P7_co_priorytet 'program węglowego ogrzewania co
Reset Watchdog
Zawor = 0
Grz_bo = 0
Grz_co = 0
If I1 > Tpg Then 'pompa zalonczona TPG'
Pompa = 1
End If
If I1 < Tpd Then 'pompa wylonczona TPD'
Pompa = 0
End If
If I1 < Tkd1 Then
If I3 < Tsalon Then
Klapa = 1
End If
End If
If I1 > Tkg1 Then
Klapa = 0
End If
Tsal = Tsalon + 2
If I3 > Tsal Then
Klapa = 0
End If
Izz = I2 + 10
If I1 > Izz Then
Zawbojler = 0
End If
If I1 < Izz Then
Zawbojler = 1
End If
If I2 < Tbd Then
Ppp = 6
End If
End Sub

Reset Watchdog
Disable Int0
Escape = 1
Esc = 1
Pozycja = 0
While Escape = 1
Select Case Pozycja
Case 0:
Lcd "Wyjscie z Menu"
Waitms 200
Escap = 1
While Escap = 1
Waitms 200
Call Setpositionmenu
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 20
Escape = 0
Escap = 0
Waitms 500
End If
Case 1:
Reset Watchdog
T = Tpg_eep
Tpg = Tpg_eep
Tpgs = Str(tpg)
Tpgs = Format(tpgs , " 0.0")
Lcd "T zal pompy"
Lcd "Tpg =" ; Tpgs
Waitms 200
Escap = 1
While Escap = 1
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 30
If Ok = 0 Then
Esc = 1
While Esc = 1
Call Ustawt
Ts = Str(t)
Ts = Format(ts , " 0.0")
Lcd "Ustaw"
Lcd "Tzp =" ; Ts
Waitms 200
If Ok = 0 Then
If Zmiana = 1 Then
Tpg_eep = T 'zapis do EEPROMu
Zmiana = 0
End If
Esc = 0
Escap = 0
End If
End If
End If
Waitms 200
Call Setpositionmenu
Case 2:
Reset Watchdog
T = Tpd_eep
Tpd = Tpd_eep
Tpds = Str(tpd)
Tpds = Format(tpds , " 0.0")
Lcd "T wyl pompy"
Lcd "Tpd =" ; Tpds
Waitms 200
Escap = 1
While Escap = 1
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 30
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 30
Esc = 1
While Esc = 1
Call Ustawt
Ts = Str(t)
Ts = Format(ts , "0.0")
Lcd "Ustaw"
Lcd "Tpd =" ; Ts
Waitms 200
If Ok = 0 Then
If Zmiana = 1 Then
Tpd_eep = T 'zapis do EEPROMu
Zmiana = 0
End If
Esc = 0
Escap = 0
End If
End If
End If
Waitms 200
Call Setpositionmenu
Case 3:
Reset Watchdog
T = Tkg1_eep
Tkg1 = Tkg1_eep
Tkg1s = Str(tkg1)
Tkg1s = Format(tkg1s , "0.0")
Lcd "T zamk klapy"
Lcd "Tkg1 = " ; Tkg1s
Waitms 200
Escap = 1
While Escap = 1
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 20
If Ok = 0 Then
Esc = 1
While Esc = 1
Call Ustawt
Ts = Str(t)
Ts = Format(ts , "0.0")
Lcd "ustaw"
Lcd "Tkg1 =" ; Ts
Waitms 200
If Ok = 0 Then
If Zmiana = 1 Then
Tkg1_eep = T 'zapis do EEPROMu
Zmiana = 0
End If
Esc = 0
Escap = 0
End If
End If
End If
Waitms 200
Call Setpositionmenu
Case 4:
Reset Watchdog
T = Tkd1_eep
Tkd1 = Tkd1_eep
Tkd1s = Str(tkd1)
Tkd1s = Format(tkd1s , "0.0")
Lcd "T otwacia klapy"
Lcd "Tkd1 = " ; Tkd1s
Waitms 200
Escap = 1
While Escap = 1
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 20
If Ok = 0 Then
Esc = 1
While Esc = 1
Call Ustawt
Ts = Str(t)
Ts = Format(ts , "0.0")
Lcd "ustaw"
Lcd "Tkd1 =" ; Ts
Waitms 200
If Ok = 0 Then
If Zmiana = 1 Then
Tkd1_eep = T 'zapis do EEPROMu
Zmiana = 0
End If
Esc = 0
Escap = 0
End If
End If
End If
Waitms 200
Call Setpositionmenu
Case 5:
Reset Watchdog
T = Tbg_eep
Tbg = Tbg_eep
Tbgs = Str(tbg)
Tbgs = Format(tbgs , "0.0")
Lcd "T bojler gorna"
Lcd "Tbg = " ; Tbgs
Waitms 200
Escap = 1
While Escap = 1
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 20
If Ok = 0 Then
Esc = 1
While Esc = 1
Call Ustawt
Ts = Str(t)
Ts = Format(ts , "0.0")
Lcd "ustaw"
Lcd "Tbg =" ; Ts
Waitms 200
If Ok = 0 Then
If Zmiana = 1 Then
Tbg_eep = T 'zapis do EEPROMu
Zmiana = 0
End If
Esc = 0
Escap = 0
End If
End If
End If
Waitms 200
Call Setpositionmenu
Case 6:
Reset Watchdog
T = Tbd_eep
Tbd = Tbd_eep
Tbds = Str(tbd)
Tbds = Format(tbds , "0.0")
Lcd "T bojler-dolna"
Lcd "Tbd = " ; Tbds
Waitms 200
Escap = 1
While Escap = 1
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 20
If Ok = 0 Then
Esc = 1
While Esc = 1
Call Ustawt
Ts = Str(t)
Ts = Format(ts , "0.0")
Lcd "ustaw"
Lcd "Tbd =" ; Ts
Waitms 200
If Ok = 0 Then
If Zmiana = 1 Then
Tbd_eep = T 'zapis do EEPROMu
Zmiana = 0
End If
Esc = 0
Escap = 0
End If
End If
End If
Waitms 200
Call Setpositionmenu
Case 7:
Reset Watchdog
T = Tzg_eep
Tzg = Tzg_eep
Tzgs = Str(tzg)
Tzgs = Format(tzgs , "0.0")
Lcd "T otwarcia zaworu"
Lcd "Tzg = " ; Tzgs
Waitms 200
Escap = 1
While Escap = 1
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 20
If Ok = 0 Then
Esc = 1
While Esc = 1
Call Ustawt
Ts = Str(t)
Ts = Format(ts , "0.0")
Lcd "ustaw"
Lcd "Tzg =" ; Ts
Waitms 200
If Ok = 0 Then
If Zmiana = 1 Then
Tzg_eep = T 'zapis do EEPROMu
Zmiana = 0
End If
Esc = 0
Escap = 0
End If
End If
End If
Waitms 200
Call Setpositionmenu
Case 8:
Reset Watchdog
T = Tzd_eep
Tzd = Tzd_eep
Tzds = Str(tzd)
Tzds = Format(tzds , "0.0")
Lcd "T zamk zaworu"
Lcd "Tzd = " ; Tzds
Waitms 200
Escap = 1
While Escap = 1
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 20
If Ok = 0 Then
Esc = 1
While Esc = 1
Call Ustawt
Ts = Str(t)
Ts = Format(ts , "0.0")
Lcd "ustaw"
Lcd "Tzd =" ; Ts
Waitms 200
If Ok = 0 Then
If Zmiana = 1 Then
Tzd_eep = T 'zapis do EEPROMu
Zmiana = 0
End If
Esc = 0
Escap = 0
End If
End If
End If
Waitms 200
Call Setpositionmenu
Case 9:
Reset Watchdog
T = Ta_eep
Ta = Ta_eep
Tas = Str(ta)
Tas = Format(tas , "0.0")
Lcd "T alarmu"
Lcd "Ta = " ; Tas
Waitms 200
Escap = 1
While Escap = 1
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 20
If Ok = 0 Then
Esc = 1
While Esc = 1
Call Ustawt
Ts = Str(t)
Ts = Format(ts , "0.0")
Lcd "ustaw"
Lcd "Ta =" ; Ts
Waitms 200
If Ok = 0 Then
If Zmiana = 1 Then
Ta_eep = T 'zapis do EEPROMu
Zmiana = 0
End If
Esc = 0
Escap = 0
End If
End If
End If
Waitms 200
Call Setpositionmenu
Case 10:
Reset Watchdog
T = Tsalon_eep
Tsalon = Tsalon_eep
Tsalons = Str(tsalon)
Tsalons = Format(tsalons , "0.0")
Lcd "T pokoju "
Lcd "Tsalon = " ; Tsalons
Waitms 200
Escap = 1
While Escap = 1
If Ok = 0 Then
Waitms 20
If Ok = 0 Then
Esc = 1
While Esc = 1
Call Ustawt
Ts = Str(t)
Ts = Format(ts , "0.0")
Lcd "ustaw"
Lcd "Tsalon =" ; Ts
Waitms 200
If Ok = 0 Then
If Zmiana = 1 Then
Tsalon_eep = T 'zapis do EEPROMu
Zmiana = 0
End If
Esc = 0
Escap = 0
End If
End If
End If
Waitms 200
Call Setpositionmenu
End Select
Enable Int0

Sub Setpositionmenu
Reset Watchdog
If Up = 0 Then
Waitms 20
If Up = 0 Then
Incr Pozycja
If Pozycja >= 11 Then
Pozycja = 0
End If
Escap = 0
End If
End If
If Down = 0 Then
Waitms 20
If Down = 0 Then
Decr Pozycja
If Pozycja = 255 Then
Pozycja = 10
End If
Escap = 0
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub Ustawt
Reset Watchdog
If Up = 0 Then
Waitms 20
End If
If Up = 0 Then
T = T + 10
Zmiana = 1
Waitms 20
End If
If Lewo = 0 Then
Waitms 20
End If
If Lewo = 0 Then
T = T + 1
Zmiana = 1
Waitms 20

End If
If Down = 0 Then
Waitms 20
End If
If Down = 0 Then
T = T - 10
Zmiana = 1
Waitms 20

End If
If Prawo = 0 Then
Waitms 20
End If
If Prawo = 0 Then
T = T - 1
Zmiana = 1
Waitms 20

End If
End Sub


z poważaniem Bronislaw

Portret użytkownika gosc

Do Szymon SQ3OPC

Writeeeprom T_minw , 0

Według noty katalogowej Atmela nie powinno się używać tej komórki. Może ona zostać nadpisana przy operacji zerowania mikroprocesora.

Portret użytkownika kaktus


Jak dla mnie obsługa jakiejkolwiek magistrali w przerwaniu to nie jest szczęśliwy pomysł. Rozumiem że sensorów nie wymieniasz w trakcie pracy ?C. Jeśli masz problem z adresami sensorów proponuję rozwiązanie:
na wstępie, przed pętlą główną, odczytujesz adresy sensorów i umieszczasz je w tablicy/tablicach, (możesz też je zapisać do pamięci nieulotnej) ?C masz wielki więc nie powinno być z tym problemu.
Tak jak pisze przedmówca omijaj pierwszą komórkę EEPROM szerokim łukiem - a najlepiej kilka pierwszych.


"Cierpliwym być musisz, by wiedzę zgłębiać tajemną, gdyż ciemna strona mocy niszczącą i silną jest.".